Contact Us
The fastest way to receive a response is to call our office at (808) 521-2302 during business hours.
You can also send us a message using the form below or by email to info[at] However, please note that it may take several business days before you receive a response to a web or e-mail submission, so please contact us by phone if you have an urgent or time sensitive need.
Important: Submitting information via this form does not create an attorney-client relationship. If you submit this form with a request for legal assistance, you must include a phone number that NHLC can use to follow up with you. If you do that, NHLC will call you within 5 business days to explain the intake process and work with you to start that process if you would like, which may result in an opportunity for NHLC to assist you as your attorney, however, there is a multi-step process required to determine whether an attorney-client relationship is appropriate.

Office Hours
Open – Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm
Closed – Sat-Sun and Public Holidays
Mailing Address
1164 Bishop Street
Suite 1205
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813