Burial Protection
Protecting Tradition
The protection of na kupuna `oiwi (Native Hawaiian burials) is also a priority for NHLC. Time and time again, construction activities have resulted in the descretion of na kupuna ‘oiwi, despite a strong mandate for their protection under state law. NHLC is at the forefront of the battle to ensure that this mandate is met.
If you have a legal issue and would like to see if we can help you, please call our office at (808) 521-2302 or contact us using our Contact Form.
Kirsha Durante
Litigation Director
Terina Faʻagau
Staff Attorney
- Ho‘i Hou I Ka Iwikuamo‘o: A Legal Primer for the Protection of Iwi Kupuna in Hawai‘i Nei (PDF) by the Ka Huli Ao Center for Excellence in Native Hawaiian Law at the University of Hawaii.
News + Insights
By Sharla Manley, NHLC Of Counsel Attorney Loko iʻa (fishponds) are integral to watershed management, environmental remediation, and food sovereignty. Restoring them is a critically important matter across the pae ʻāina. For decades, ...
In January 2022, the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation (“NHLC”) began work as counsel for Hoku Cody, Jessica Kaui Fu and Mehana Vaughan as representative members of Nā Kiaʻi o Nihokū – a group ...
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