Public Testimony of NHLC in Opposition of HB1459
The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation OPPOSES HB1459, a bill that will mandate monetary restitution in juvenile sentencing. Read NHLC’s public testimony here: NHLC Opposes HB1459 Read HB1459 here:
Public Testimony of NHLC in Support of HB2516
The Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation joins the Hawaiʻi Correctional Oversight Commission and other experts in calling on the State to stop planning the privately-owned jail. Instead, the State should start an inclusive and systemic planning process, including meaningful consultation with Native Hawaiians and other community stakeholders to achieve the best outcomes for the people of Hawaiʻi. The manaʻo and ʻike of the lāhui is essential to creating a better plan for Native Hawaiians and for all of the people of Hawaii. Read NHLC’s public testimony here: NHLC Supports HB2516 Read HB2516 here: