Aunty Marena Kahanamoku and her husband, Uncle Sam Kahanamoku, lived on Uncle Sam ’s homestead in Puʻukapu, Waimea for 18 years. When Uncle Sam died, Aunty Marena needed legal help because DHHL would not process her successorship. She retained NHLC for pro bono assistance.

In July 2024, six years after his death, Uncle Sam’s wishes for his homestead were honored and Aunty Marena took over the lease. Her successorship was granted. Aunty Marena presented NHLC with a special waʻa carved by her late husband Uncle Sam Kahanamoku. The waʻa reads, “Huli Koho La (The Belly of The Whale). A name given to Duke Paoa Kahanamoku Jr. by his Great Grand father Kahanamoku Haʻa of the Haʻae A Nui Mahi Clan. This Canoe is a replica of the Kahanamoku Family Outrigger Canoe.”

NHLC mahalos Aunty Marena and her ʻohana for this meaningful gift. NHLC is a legal resource for homesteaders and beneficiaries of the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. NHLC can be contacted at 808-521-2302 on weekdays from 8 am to 4:30 pm to request help.

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